Monday, September 28, 2009

Really? That's my evening?

So tonight, the night after my bday celebrating, I was looking forward to an evening of eating, relaxing, and having no paper to write. Just as I was finishing Nay's bath, I heard this crazy screeching, not something I was unfamiliar with but certainly louder than usual. I walked with naked baby to the kitchen to follow the sound, and found the cat, Sahara, crouched in front of the washing machine. Seconds later, a squeaking rodent (not a mouse or rat) ran down the hallway with the cats in tow. I screamed and frantically ran behind trying to close all the important doors so it wouldn't go inside. I locked the cats into a room with it and promised to join them later.

After putting Nay to sleep, I grabbed my broom and headed for the destruction room where I hoped to find an already dead rodent. Instead, I found two cats looking extremely puzzled amidst a huge mess of things on the floor. So, locking myself into the battle zone, I proceeded to move everything so they could access the little fellow. It was actually really hilarious to watch him be chased around and around the same box for about 5 minutes, squeaking all the way! I was really amazed that he could get his body flattened enough to fit under a heavy cardboard box. So, what ultimately happened to this little fellow the cats did not seem to want to kill?

Now you know I've lived in South Asia too long: I brought an empty cornflakes box from the kitchen, ripped off the tab of a cardboard box, laid it on the floor, caught him, and did what? Threw him back outside ALIVE! Boy have I grown over the years.

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