Sunday, December 6, 2009

Scary Woman

Today I discovered that I am not a woman you would want to corner on a street. There is this slightly off creepy man who regularly tries to talk to me on my road. I always ignore him as that is usually the best policy. After lunch today, however, I was talking on the side of the main road with my friend when he walked within inches of us and just stood there. This would never happen if we were two local women so clearly there is a major overstepping of cultural norms for him to do this. I became very angry and felt threatened so I loudly shouted, "Go! You go now!" It sounded more like what you would say to a pesky dog than a person. Anyway, he just smiled and continued to stand there so I stepped a few paces back, picked up a rock, and threw it at him, below the waist like any respectable dodgeballer should. That wiped the smirk off his face promptly, and he slowly backed away giving me a window to begin my speedy walk to my house. He did attempt to follow me, but my friend and I walked fast enough that we lost him.

As I feverishly walked back, I reflected on how this is something I would never do anywhere else, but desperate circumstances call for desperate measures. If you act like a dog, be prepared to be treated like one. And definitely don't mess with me!

1 comment:

  1. Now your man needs to go with you next time! All he needs to do is pick him up by the scrap of his collar and give him a stern look and some good words of warning to scare the pants off of him! You "rock" girl!
